The world of Batman is coming to television in a little less than a month’s time. The new Fox crime procedural, Gotham, will explore the assorted criminals and organized corruption that made the fictional city infamous. The show begins with the crime that shaped young Bruce Wayne’s entire life, the murder of his wealthy and influential parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne. Gotham‘s protagonist is a young detective, Jim Gordon played by Ben McKenzie (Southland), who investigates the double-murder as he returns to his hometown, unready for the level of chaos the city has fallen into.
Fox has been unveiling character reveals, posters and trailers in anticipation of their fall debut. Their latest feature (courtesy of Hulu), really digs deep into what makes the city and show tick. The entire cast and crew get involved to really give the audience an idea of what is in store for us next month. While there are question marks, it does seem like the show is on the right track.
Gotham culls from some of the more modern interpretations of the Batman mythos, such as a militant Alfred the butler, played by Sean Pertwee. However from all accounts, this is a fresh take on the city and its villain’s back-stories. To fully prepare you for the transition, we have a 20 minute feature which sheds light on the new approach to Batman’s early mythology. Enjoy!
Gotham stars Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Jada Pinkett-Smith, David Mozouz, Sean Pertwee and Robin Taylor. It premieres on September 22, 2014 on Fox. Are you going to be tuning in? Let us know on the comment boards, and !
Source: Hulu, Collider