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REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels Season 2, “Blood Sisters”

The spotlight shifts to Sabine this week as the wider Rebels plot grinds to a halt. Sabine is one of the Rebels whose history I’m most curious about. She’s Mandalorian—she wears the traditional armor, after all—but that’s the only hint we have about her past. And it’s not much of hint. “Blood Sisters” gives Sabine fans […]

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Kurt Wooden

Star Wars Rebels Season 2, “Wings of the Master”

Disney granted Star Wars Rebels a full twenty-three episodes this season, and with that order comes inevitable filler. Not to be too cynical, but with twenty-three time slots to fill this season, not every episode can push the plot onward. “Wings of the Master”, like “Brothers of the Broken Horn” before it, are perfect examples of […]

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Kurt Wooden

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels, Season 2 “Always Two There Are”

Just in time for Halloween, Star Wars Rebels drops a spooky “haunted house” episode on your doorstep. But what pops out from these dark corners are more terrifying than poltergeists: they’re a pair of deadly Inquisitors. This week, the Rebels, with Rex onboard, assign themselves a mission to retrieve supplies from a long-abandoned medical station. Things don’t quite go […]

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Kurt Wooden

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels Season 2, Episode 2

Star Wars Rebels strikes back with “The Lost Commanders,” episode two of a very promising second season. The stakes have never been higher for the Rebels as they join forces with the wider Rebellion, led, in-part, by none other than Ahsoka Tano, apprentice to Anakin during the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, with new allies come new enemies. […]

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Kurt Wooden

‘Star Wars Rebels’ Review — Episode 13, “Fire Across The Galaxy”

With Kanan captured and tortured by the inimical Inquisitor, Ezra and the crew of The Ghost embark on a fateful—and dramatic—rescue mission and consequently celebrate almost everything epic and thrilling about the ‘Star Wars’ saga. Space battles. Lightsaber duels. Running through giant technological terrors. Blasters firing. Big reveals. Hijinks. It’s all there in equal parts in […]

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Kurt Wooden