In this week’s episode, Epic Comicast give their detailed breakdown and review of Iron Man 3. The third installment in the series is one of the more divisive films in Marvel Studios’ library. The debate usually revolves around the amount of time Tony Stark spends out of the suit, Tennessee, the Mandarin twist, and Stark’s decision to hang it up at the end. The Epic Comicast crew hit these points and much more. With Avengers: Age of Ultron right around the corner, it’s also fun to look at some of the hints and plot threads Marvel has left in plain site. Get ready to enjoy!
Phase 3 of Epic Comicast begins with Iron Man 3! Karina Michelle and I (TC) gear up for San Diego Comic-Con as we review the highly polarizing 2013 film Iron Man 3. I hated it, she liked it; made for a great debate. We also talk The Rock being rumored to play Shazam/Black Adam.
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We hope you enjoy the debate and by the way… this is How Iron Man 3 Should of Ended:
Source: HISHE