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Epic Comicast Ep. 26 – ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Recap & ‘Gotham’ Talk

The state of the The Amazing Spider-Man franchise is in flux. After months of talk by the writers and producers of the franchise explaining how they were expanding the cinematic world of Spider-Man over a course of few movies. Various spin-offs and team-up films were announced, then The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released and the results were disastrous. Sony has since went back to the drawing board and their slate of Spider-Man films are now up in the air.

The film suffered from an inconsistent tone, campy characters, multiple unresolved plotlines, and too many loose ends from a script that is trying to accomplish too many things. This week the Epic Comicast crew take an in-depth look at The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and break it down in their trademark hilarious fashion. The crew also take a look at the premiere of Gotham and give their thoughts on what they thought of the pilot.

Check out the official synopsis for the show:

Spidey-Sense Activated! Karina Michelle and TC discuss the polarizing 2014 film “The Amazing Spiderman 2” along with ranting over whether we are fans of the “old school” or “new school” Spiderman films. We also discuss the Gotham pilot and why we think the show has tremendous potential. Grab your web-shooters and sling on over to Epiccomicast.com to check out the show!

Listen to the podcast HERE or go visit Epic Comicast!

We all think that the movie could have been better… Here is a better way the movie could have played out…

Source: HISHE

Braxter Timberlake
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