Epic Comicast has a full show this week with a truckload of fun topics including, The Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser trailer, the newest episode of Gotham, and a review of the new independent film, The Posthuman Project.
Join Karina and TC and they recap the week’s geek news and breakdown Marvel’s Civil War comic series. With Captain America’s showdown against Iron Man coming to theaters in less than 2 years, Mark Millar’s seminal storyline, “Civil War,” is crucial in deciphering the cinematic future of Marvel. The crew walks you through the events that may shape the movies you will be watching.
Here is the official synopsis:
There are no strings on Epic Comicast this week as Karina Michelle and I (TC) review Marvel’s “Civil War” as well as react to the epic Age Of Ultron teaser trailer. Other topics covered in this jammed packed episode include, Gotham’s “Viper” episode, The PostHuman Project, and listener questions. Contact us over at Epiccomicast.com for more info!
Listen to the podcast HERE or go visit Epic Comicast!
Kyle Roberts directs a film that described as having “the heart of a John Hughes film and the energy of X-Men, ‘Posthuman’ is a feature-length independent superhero film which focuses on the roots of the teenage experience, capturing that careful mix of invulnerability and powerlessness that only youth can conjure.” Catch a screening of the film when it comes to your town. It is screening next at Stan Lee’s Comikaze at the Los Angeles Convention Center on October 31st. Check out the trailer:
Tell us what you think of Marvel, Age of Ultron, The Posthuman Project and this week’s podcast! Let us know on the comment boards, , and !
Source: Posthuman Project