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Epic Comicast – Ep 33 “Top 10 Worst Super-Villain Performances”

A hero can only be as good as the villain that they are pitted against. Unfortunately that means that Andrew Garfield, Fantastic Four’s Chris Evans, and George Clooney, never got a real shot at comic book cinematic greatness…

Well this week Epic Comicast is throwing greatness out the window! They have compiled a list of the top-ten worst super-villain performances in comic book movie history. In order to get to a villain as charismatic as Loki. Or a performance as nuanced as Heath Ledger’s Joker. Or as morally complex as Michael Fassbender’s Magneto. We had to first go through this:

And take it from the ECC…this is only the tip of the iceberg for some of the bad performances we have had to cringe through. But, we had to find out how bad things could be, before we could appreciate all the good portrayals. Join the Epic Comicast crew as they bring you the 33rd episode of their podcasting adventure!

Here is the official synopsis:

You’ve already heard our Top 10 BEST. Now check out our Top 10 WORST! Join Karina Michelle and I (TC) as we countdown some of the absolute worst superhero and villain portrayals of all time. How many Batman villains made the list? Do storm clouds count as villains? Head over to Epiccomicast.com to find out!

Listen to the podcast HERE or go visit Epic Comicast!

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