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Epic Comicast Ep 39 – Daredevil Director’s Cut (2003) & Marvel/DC News Wrap Up

The Epic Comicast podcast is back with the largest episode yet! There has been a ton of awesome news and 2015 has just gotten started! Karina and TC recap some of the biggest rumors and news stories that we have all been talking about. In this week’s episode the featured segment is dedicated to 2003’s Daredevil Director’s Cut. The film is significant because of the new Daredevil show coming in April and the because its star Ben Affleck is now playing Batman for a new generation. However before you dig in, here is a refresher on the theatrical release.

The first full-length theatrical adaptation of the famed Marvel character did not live up to the potential of the cast, which featured Affleck, Colin Farrell, and the late Michael Clarke Duncan. While the movie wasn’t a complete financial disaster, it did slightly tarnish the careers of Affleck and future wife (who he met on set) Jennifer Garner. The theatrical release unfortunately put the character on the backburner for over ten years. Marvel ultimately reacquired the property which is now set to be rebooted in a new television show for Netflix.

A director’s cut was released later on that by all accounts, including our own, is a much better movie. The team explores the version of the film that many haven’t seen, but should have! Get ready for an awesome episode!

Official Synopsis:

 And we’re back… again! No more podcast equipment failures and stomach viruses holding us back! Join Karina Michelle and I (TC) as we breakdown the 2003 film Daredevil.


Welcome Back… AGAIN!
iTunes Reviews/Donations/Audible
Bad Reviews =(
Enter The Knight
Ant-Man/Avengers Trailer/DC TV Universe
TC’s Tweets
What We’re Watching On Netflix

Listen to the podcast HERE, visit Epic Comicast, and subscribe to ECC at the iTunes Store!

What do you think about the news for the week? Let us know on , and Reddit! Make sure to share our stories on your favorite social media by clicking below!

Source: Cinema Sins

Braxter Timberlake


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