It has been an epic week in the world of geek. Thousands of jubilant fans celebrated the Star Wars universe in Anaheim at the Star Wars celebration over the weekend, where the latest trailer for The Force Awakens was revealed. On the very same day, the much anticipated teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hit the internet and caused an avalanche of emotion. We also got our first full trailer for Marvel’s Ant-Man adaptation by Fox Studios. There has been a lot to digest, so get ready for the ECC crew to walk you through it all.
This week Epic Comicast has formed a super-team when the hosts of the FanBoysAtLarge’s podcast and You Tube’s , join the show to discuss the first season of Marvel’s Daredevil. The series has been a success both critically and with fans. ECC and guests discuss the viability of the Netflix system, the show’s impact and more. Get ready for one of the most Epic episodes yet. Enjoy!
Official Synopsis:
Do you bleed? You will! Epic Comicast is back this week with one of our longest episodes to date. Karina and I discuss the highly anticipated Batman V Superman AND Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailers released this week. That’s not all, I am joined by the FanBoysAtLarge and MrDarkPhoenix to review the entire Daredevil Netflix series. I hope you enjoy it! Visit us over at!
Ant-Man TrailerThe Force Awakens!Batman V Superman TEASERDaredevil
SPECIAL GUESTSIsaac and Jose of FanboysAtLargeMrDarkPhoenix
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