Deadpool. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. X-Men: Apocalypse. Suicide Squad. All were movies that made huge waves last weekend at San Diego Comic Con and Epic Comicast was right there, in the center of the fandom. The ECC podcast crew brings back stories from Hall H and some interesting insight on the things that they saw at this year’s huge convention.
In this special episode, Epic Comicast walks you through what happened on the convention floor during the Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad panels. They break down all of the biggest stories including the new trailers and big moments from the panel. Everything from the diminutive Apocalypse, to the reveal of new costumes for the Flash and Aquaman, to the energy and experience of camping out in line for Hall H. Sit back as ECC brings the entire experience Comic Con experience straight to you. Enjoy the podcast!
This is also their first week of YouTube video podcasting, so make sure you also check them out over at and subscribe! Let them know PoG sent ya!
Official Synopsis:
Wow! San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2015 has came and went and boy were we given some EPIC news and trailers. Join Karina and TC on this very lengthy jam packed SDCC recap episode! We break down how it felt to watch DC’s panel live from Hall H. We discuss the Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad, Fantastic Four, Xmen: Apocalypse, and Deadpool trailers!
iTunes Reviews/DonationsOur SDCC ExperienceBatman V SupermanSuicide SquadFantastic FourX-Men: ApocalypseDeadpool