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Epic Comicast Podcast – Ep 63 – ANT-MAN Breakdown and Review

Welcome back to another week of Epic Comicast’s podcast. The buzz for Warner Bros’ upcoming films following Comic Con managed to dampen a little of the build up to Ant-Man’s release. Fan’s theories about the identity of the Joker and other possibilities for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, have kept the internet humming with speculation. TC and Karina give their thoughts on all the DC hype and fan-speculation.

Ant-Man is the newest character being introduced to the Marvel cinematic universe and that means that Epic Comicast has to formally initiate the movie via a breakdown! The duo walks you through the film’s memorable beats, while giving their thoughts on the cast and how it fits into the larger Marvel universe. It is far from the perfect movie and they give their thoughts on some specific areas of improvement, including Paul Rudd, another flawed Marvel villain, and more. So get ready for another awesome episode!

Official Synopsis:

We need you to break into someplace and steal some stuff! Welcome back to our special Ant-Man sized episode of the Epic Comicast. On this episode Karina and TC discuss the “Joker is Jason Todd” fan theory as well as dive into the final installment of Marvel’s phase 2; Ant-Man! We hope you enjoy it! Make sure to check us out over at www.epiccomicast.com to find ALL of our archived episodes!


iTunes Reviews/Donations
Joker/Robin Fan Theory
Was Paul Rudd The Star?
Marvel Fails At Villains
Civil War Setup


Listen to the podcast by clicking play BELOW, visit Epic Comicast, and make sure to subscribe to ECC at the iTunes Store!

What do you think about the podcast this week? Let us know on , , and Reddit! Show your support by sharing our stories!
Braxter Timberlake


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