Welcome back to another week of the Epic Comicast podcast! It has been a busy week in the world of geek news, as the D23 Convention continues to build its reputation as the closest competition to Comic Con. The ECC team discusses the footage of Captain America: Civil War that was screened for the D23 attendees and they give their thoughts on the convention as a whole. They also talk about the recent rumor that director George Miller has lined up the gig to direct Man of Steel 2, sometime in the near future. TC and Karina also give their thoughts on an interesting pitch for a Silver Surfer movie that would put a smile on long-time fan’s faces.
This week’s nostalgic review focuses on 1995’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Despite a tepid response when it was released in theaters, the movie has gone on to garner a cult following. Mostly due to the remarkably resilient franchise coming back into the pop culture consciousness with the Power/Rangers short film and the upcoming feature film in the works. TC and Karina walk you through the good and bad of the the movie, along with some other fun surprises. Enjoy the podcast!
Official Synopsis:
It’s Morphin’ Time once again! We are back with a jam packed show. We discuss the latest news out of D23, George Miller being linked to Man Of Steel 2, and reminisce over the 1995 film Mighty Morphin Power Ranger: The Movie. Hope you enjoy the show!
iTunes/DonationsPeriscope AdventuresD23 Mystery FootageGeorge Miller Directing Man Of Steel 2?TC’s TweetsMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The MovieEmails