It has been a long rollercoaster of a ride for Batman on the big-screen. The road to battling Superman and forming a Justice League in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a long one. He first reached the height of popcorn popularity with 1989’s Batman, before finding new depths of ridicule with Batman & Robin in the late 90’s. Then a young upstart named Christopher Nolan got the greenlight to reboot the series in a mature and realistic manner. Suddenly Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Gary Oldman, were joining the former laughing stock of the industry and the message was clear to critics of the medium, comic book movies can be taken seriously.
This week TC and Karina break down the crown jewel of Nolan’s Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight. Nolan’s movies are paramount to the maturity of the comic book movie genre. He was one of the first to treat the source material the same way other directors adapt classic novels, which led to credibility for the genre as a whole. However, many will argue that The Dark Knight is not a good Batman comic book film, due to its rigid tone. The ECC crew dissect the classic film in their trademark fashion in this episode and explain how they think the movie could have been even better. It is a must-listen for Batman fans. Enjoy the episode!
Official Synopsis:
Ahhh… The good ol’ Nolanverse. Join Karina and TC, as we dive into the MOST popular movie to come out of the Nolanverse; The Dark Knight. We discuss a recent news story about the little girl who was sent home for bringing a Wonder Woman lunchbox to school as well as discuss the superheroes announced for Team Stark vs. Team Rogers!
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