Welcome back to the Epic Comicast podcast, where all things in fandom, both nostalgic and current, are brought directly to your eardrums. This week there is only one thing on everybody’s mind…because Star Wars mania is in full stride. The ECC crew doesn’t let you down and dedicates the entire episode to the rebirth of The Force on film.
This past weekend Star Wars: The Force Awakens had the largest opening in motion picture history and the world is experiencing an overflow of positive emotions towards the new movie. The sequel has managed to please both original fans of the series, while inspiring a whole new generation of kids (and adults) to try to move objects with their mind, via The Force. This perfect storm of events has created a cultural moment that will not soon be forgotten.
This week the Epic Comicast crew takes the entire episode to unravel the biggest geek event in pop culture this year, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you are a long-time listener, you know that Karina is a huge Star Wars, while TC has never really connected with the franchise. Were Karina’s expectations too high? Did TC think that The Force Awakens was as boring as he found the other installments? There is only one way to find out…so enjoy the podcast.
Official Synopsis:
There has definitely been an awakening… The force was with all of us this week as the world celebrated the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Join Karina and TC as we discuss and review our favorite moments, characters, and give our overall impressions of the film. Did this movie live up to the overwhelming hype that surrounded it? Tune in to find out!
iTunes ReviewStar Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) ReviewWho is Rey?!Captain Phasma Who?BB-Gr8nessKylo Motha F***** RenFinntasticWas This The Star Wars Movie We Deserved? Or The One We Needed Right Now?Teaser