The Force has truly awakened for movie fans as the Star Wars universe is back on the big screen and bigger than ever. A whole new generation has been introduced to the mythology and interest for all things Star Wars related, whether its TV shows, comics, or video games, is in high demand. This is a transitioning point as 2015 was the first in a string of consecutive years in which Lucasfilm will be churning out Star Wars annually.
Before you can go forward, you have to look at where you came from. This week the Epic Comicast crew takes a look at the most crucial installment of the Star Wars prequels, Revenge of the Sith. This is the chapter where Anakin Skywalker completed his tragic journey to becoming Darth Vader and embraced his dark destiny. Karina and TC take an in-depth look at the chapter and also dig into the similarities between Anakin and Kylo Ren from The Force Awakens.
There were also some new reveals in the world of superhero movies. Deadpool’s second trailer was released to much fanfare, but did TC and Karina think it’s worth the hype? Also Marvel Studios released their first look at Doctor Strange. The duo discuss the look of Benedict Cumberbatch and the new concept art that was revealed for Marvel’s Sorceror Supreme. This is the perfect way to ease into 2016, so sit back and enjoy the show!
Official Synopsis:
Welcome back Epic Comic Crew! It’s a new year and boy oh boy do we have a lot of geeky films to look forward to in 2016. This week we recap our 2015 as well as discuss the recent Dr. Strange images and second Deadpool trailer. Karina has not had enough of Star Wars so we went back to the well and decided to review Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith. We hope you enjoy and happy new year!
2015 Epic RewindiTunes Reviews/DonationDeadpool TrailerDr. Strange Images Released!Star Wars: Revenge Of The SithThe Best Of The Prequels?What Went Wrong?Kylo Ren Anakin Lite?