It’s the beginning of a new week, so that means that it’s time to turn things up a notch… Epic Comicast is back with a special holiday edition of their popular podcast. But before they get into all of the Halloween shenanigans, there was a bunch of news from the world of geek for the duo to tackle.
We recently got a confirmation that a new Justice League show is in development for the Cartoon Network. ECC gives their thoughts on the confirmation, as well as touching on some other TV news. There has been a lot of confusion about the new X-Men shows in the works, Hellfire and Legion. The crew explains the developments and addresses some rumors surrounding the projects. Finally it was confirmed that the Hulk will be joining Thor for his third adventure in Thor: Ragnarok. The Epic Comicast crew break down the details of these and other stories from the past week, before getting into their main event.
It’s almost the end of October and Halloween is right around the corner! This week Epic Comicast brings you a special episode where they list and breakdown their personal favorite horror movies. Get ready for some classics, as well as some surprises as they treat you to some movies that bring the holiday scares. Enjoy the show!
Official Synopsis:
This is Halloween! It’s that time of the year folks. Join Karina and TC as we each countdown our Top 5 horror movies of all time. We touch on the since debunked Fantastic Four rumor, Hulk appearing in Thor: Ragnarok, and a new Justice League cartoon coming our way!
iTunes Review/DonationsX-Men TV Series?Fantastic Four Back To Marvel?New Justice League CartoonThe League Of Geekz 31 Days Of HorrorHulk To Appear In Thor Ragnarok!Top 5 Horror Movie CountdownThis Is Halloween
Listen to the podcast by clicking play BELOW, visit Epic Comicast to browse their archived episodes, and make sure to subscribe to ECC at the iTunes Store!