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‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Trailer Unleashes the Dragon

Some shows go on longer breaks than others. Gotham and The Flash recently returned from their winter breaks, while The Walking Dead has had an even longer absence. Meanwhile fans of Game of Thrones have had nothing but reruns and Instagram memes to keep the dragon inside of them at bay since June. Well the grueling wait will be coming to an end in a little over two months.

The scope of Game of Thrones has expanded each season and by the time the final two episodes of last season aired, it was clear that the show deserved to be seen on the big screen. HBO decided to put “The Watchers on the Wall” and “The Children,” ostensibly a two-hour movie, into theaters on the largest screens possible, IMAX. It began playing last night and HBO also added the trailer for the fifth season of Game of Thrones at the end, to reward fans in the largest format possible. It looks like there will many new faces, sword-play, boobs, warfare, unexpected deaths, full-grown dragons, boobs, back-stabbing politics, Emilia Clarke, medieval treachery, boobs, future Jean Grey, and Peter Dinklage. They know what works and Game of Thrones has never looked more epic. Enjoy!

What did you think of the season 5 trailer? What do you anticipate happening? We want to hear your theories!  Let us know on the comment boards, , , and !

Source: CBM

Braxter Timberlake


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