The latest installment in the James Bond franchise is preparing to shoot in about six weeks time. Sam Mendes (American Beauty, The Road to Perdition) is returning to the director’s chair for the second time. The last installment broke many records and reinvigorated the franchise for many fans of the series, while keeping its semi-realistic tone. Skyfall was successful for being a fun modern-day action film and for subtlety bringing back the wackier troupes that the franchise is historically known for.
According to Latino Review, the production has found their trademark oddball henchman for the film and it is none other then Guardians of the Galaxy’s, Dave Bautista. The former professional wrestler turned actor, is experiencing doors open for him as the Marvel film that he starred in is the biggest movie of the year.
A few months ago there was a casting call for an athletic actor that would “follow in the tradition of JAWS and ODDJOB.” Bautista nabbed the role of Hinx, who is an assassin and surely will kick Bond’s ass for much of the movie. He will be a henchman and the main physical opponent for the secret agent, however it has not yet been uncovered what his defining attribute will be. In any case it should be fun to watch Bautista to go head-to-head with Bond.
Mendes has also cast his Bond girl for this installment. Léa Seydoux (Inglorious Basterds, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol) has been cast as this film’s femme fatale and it would be hard to find a better resume suited for the role. Seydoux has already worked many of the best directors around and has extensive experience in spy and genre movies. It’s another strong hire for a solid supporting cast for Daniel Craig’s next turn as Bond.
The 24th installment in the James Bond franchise is scheduled for release on November 6th, 2015.
Are you ready for Bond to fight Drax? How excited does this make you for the next installment? Let us know on the comment boards, and !