Marvel has launched an ambitious plan in partnership with Netflix to bring four shows based their characters, to a channel streaming near you. Marvel’s Daredevil was the first show to go before cameras. They are already more than half way through filming the first season, but when Daredevil wraps, the fun really gets started.
Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist will all get their own 13 episode series, before they all unite in The Defenders. Not much has been heard out of the camp besides, Twilight’s Melissa Rosenberg being tapped to bring Jessica Jones’ story to the small screen. Well it seems that while Marvel has not yet made the announcement official, they like to make announcements with style, an actress has been chosen to play Jones. According to Deadline, Krysten Ritter (Breaking Bad) has been cast as Jessica Jones. And Mike Colter (The Following, Halo: Nightfall) has secured the role of the impervious Luke Cage.
These are two of Marvel’s most unique origin stories, so they should make for interesting television. Jessica Jones is a former superhero who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She hangs up the tights and opens up a private investigation service helping other superheroes and normal people alike. Luke Cage was endowed with impenetrable skin and superhuman strength, as a result of prison experiment gone wrong. Historically he isn’t the traditional superhero, since he opens up his own business, Heroes for Hire. Where you can purchase his superheroics as a service. In recent years he has moved up Marvel’s ranks and is a member of the Avengers.
What will be unique about these two shows in particular is that they are sure to have a lot of cross-pollination. In the comics, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones don’t just become involved, but go on to get married and have a kid. Surely there will be frequent romantic and action-based team-ups between them over the course of their respective series. There hasn’t been a firm release date for either show, however they won’t be premiering before Daredevil which will debut in the spring. We can’t wait to follow up with more on the Netflix deal as details are uncovered.
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Source: Slashfilm