Marvel has been all over the news recently and with Avengers: Age of Ultron set to open in less than three weeks their presence will not be dissipating anytime soon. Fans of the comics have been excited for the introduction of the android known as Vision in the upcoming sequel. There has been rampant speculation about the character’s origin and look, which has only been teased in various marketing materials up until this point. Well Marvel is ready for the full body reveal. Today they debuted the character in the pages of EW.
Considering everyone in the poster looks like a product of a shabby Photoshop illustrator, it is hard to make an assessment of Vision. His character design has been torn straight from the pages of the comic. However, in the photos he does seem to look a little hokey. Hopefully that is not why Marvel has waited until the last hour to have the character’s reveal. Avengers: Age of Ultron begins screening for critics tomorrow, so expect for there to be a flood of Avengers info soon.
Deadpool Drops a Load
One thing that has been made abundantly clear is that the buildup to the Deadpool film, may be as fun as the actual movie itself. Ryan Reynolds and the crew clearly get the character inside and out. For the past couple of weeks, they have been cleverly marketing the film as they shoot, through social media. Today they gave fans another look at the Merc With A Mouth.
The second official image to be released of the character features Deadpool taking a dump, while reading the current comic book issue of Deadpool, in which the character will be killed. Not only does the photo illustrate the sophomoric humor found in Deadpool, but also Deadpool’s tendency to break the fourth wall. One of the ways that the Deadpool movie and character, will set themselves apart from other heroes on the marketplace, is that he has an awareness of himself in pop culture. This is yet another sign that regardless of the quality of the movie, fans will be getting a faithful adaptation of the character.
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Source: CBM