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‘Star Wars Rebels’ — Episode 8, “Gathering Forces” Review

Second for second, ‘Gathering Forces’ packs a punch. Not only do we learn more about Ezra’s parents but we also see Ezra experience significant growth as a character and as a Padawan.

On the run from Imperial forces with Tseebo—an old friend of Ezra’s family’s and harbor of countless Imperial secrets—the Ghost‘s intrepid crew is forced into Hyperspace and away from the squadron of TIE fighters, led by resident Sith warrior, the Inquisitor. Tensions are high for the crew, if not for the audience (I mean, there’s no real danger of Ezra or any of the other Rebels being killed this early in the series, is there?), as Kanan settles on a risky plan of action that will lead the Inquisitor’s Imperials toward Ezra and Kanan and away from the rest of the crew.

I try to keep my reviews as spoiler-free as possible, but to discuss the incredible significance of this episode is to reveal a few key pieces of information. Primarily, Ezra’s first encounter with the Dark Side of the Force that lurks within him. Ezra is afraid, you see, very afraid. Tseebo offers to tell Ezra about what happened to his family, about their ultimate fate, but Ezra doesn’t want to hear. He doesn’t want to face the truth of what happened to them all those years ago because the narrative he’s lived with has so far worked. But this fear clouds his abilities, it clouds his connection to the Living Force. Like Yoda said, “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate…”


In a beautiful scene illustrating both Ezra’s progress as a fledgling Force-user and Kanan’s skill as a teacher—despite his lack of self-confidence—Ezra acknowledges that he is afraid. Like a boss, Kanan assures him that admitting his fear makes him braver than most people in the galaxy. Perfect! I love seeing the spiritual side of the Jedi in action, their philosophy in motion, and I’m super happy that Dave Filoni and company wrote it into the show. Putting Jedi philosophy out in the open enriches the world and affords us an opportunity to watch how these characters adhere or retreat from it. And what happens once Ezra meets his fear and embraces his emotions? Well, let’s just say that stuff gets out of control in the best possible way.

Oh, and that’s not even close to all of it! A crazy mid-Hyperspace maneuver that begs some interesting questions about the physics of Hyperspace travel, a return of some very ferocious beasts, a superb lightsaber duel, and a satisfying emotional plot point for Ezra.

If you aren’t yet watching this show, you need to be. This episode is the strongest of an already pretty strong season, so hop in now and do yourself a favor.


Are you watching ‘Rebels’ with bated breath? Let us know on the comment boards,  and !

Kurt Wooden


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