After only one television show on Netflix, Marvel has made their partnership with the streaming service a model for how to deliver faithful and unflinching adult material from the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Their second show is readying for release next week and the studio is out to prove that Daredevil was not a fluke. Marvel has had success taking their lesser known characters to live-action and it looks like they may have struck lightning twice with the upcoming show, Jessica Jones.
In previous trailers for Jessica Jones, Marvel has gradually pulled back the curtain on their new show. The first teasers highlighted the tone and color palette of the series, while the last trailer gave viewers their first look at many of the characters from the comics that are appearing on the show, including Jones, Luke Cage, and Kilgrave the Purple Man.
The latest and presumably last trailer for Jessica Jones, shows off Jones’ powers and superhuman abilities. Essentially it’s a collection of scenes showing Jones kicking ass, while also painting a fuller picture of what we can expect from the show in a little over a week. (Click here for a complete PoG breakdown of Jessica Jones and her background.) From the looks at the action, it seems as if Jones’ abilities have been toned down in an effort to fit in with the relatively grounded approach to the series. It also will help mesh Jones with other vigilante heroes who are around her ability level, such as her future Defenders teammates, Luke Cage and Daredevil. There are many reasons to get excited for the show… In the meantime, enjoy the trailer!
Official Synopsis:
After a tragic ending to her short-lived Super Hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a private detective in Hell’s Kitchen. It’s time the world knew her name…
Jessica Jones will be available on Netflix on November 20th, 2015.
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