In April of 2015, Netflix released their first Marvel produced series, Daredevil. The show went on to become a hit with both audiences and critics, as the PG-13 Marvel cinematic universe was expanded in some surprising and shocking ways on the show. While the movies handled the heroes who face global or intergalactic threats, Daredevil established that there is another gritty war going on at the street level as well.
Charlie Cox was a revelation as the blind lawyer Matt Murdock, who moonlights at night as the vigilante known as Daredevil. The grounded tone of the show established that these are three dimensional characters, who bleed and can die. Not only was it a successful first season, but it also laid the foundation for more elements from the comics to appear in the second season. Popular Marvel Comics characters, such as the Punisher and Elektra (click here a for more in-depth look), will be joining the fray so expect the show to ratchet up the action from the first season.
There is no actual footage from the second season in this teaser, but it actually says a lot about what we can expect. Much like, with the first Jessica Jones trailer, it’s meant to give you the vibe and tone of the show, not necessarily the money shots. The expressionistic paintings give a brief recount of the events of the first season, on the backdrop of a catholic church wall, the backbone of Daredevil’s faith. The windows of the church are seemingly shot out, which would indicate that the Punisher will be directly clashing with Daredevil’s moral code. This should be good… Enjoy the teaser trailer.
The entire second season of Daredevil premieres on March 18th, 2016.
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