Last spring Marvel shocked the world with their first television show in partnership with Netflix, Daredevil. The series premiered a month before the Avengers: Age of Ultron hit theaters and offered the first gritty look at the underbelly of the Marvel cinematic universe. The show was a smash hit and while it lost showrunners Drew Goddard and Steven DeKnight along the way, it appears that the show will continue to build on last year’s success.
The first look at the second season of Daredevil is brief, but teases all of the new additions that fans of Marvel Comics have been longing for. We get to see the shrouded face of Elektra Natchios, Matt Murdock’s love interest and legendary assassin, who is the cause of great discovery and pain in his life. Elodie Yung is charged with bringing the iconic ninja to life. However, there is not many as physically qualified for the role as Yung in a real life. As she is a real-life black belt as she explained at New York Comic Con this past weekend (watch the video below).
The second season has been described as “Daredevil vs Punisher” by producers and his presence is heavily alluded to throughout the brief teaser. While the shot of the skull x-ray encapsulates the ominous shadow that he casts over the footage. This is the first time we get to glimpse the Marvel version of the Punisher and it looks like it might have been worth the wait. We don’t get to see actor Jon Bernthal’s face or “costume” in the role, but we feel the lethal tone of the vigilante and it looks as authentic as the bullet holes in the glass.
There will be much more to come on the second season, but don’t expect to see a full trailer for a few months. Jessica Jones is the on the runway and preparing to be the next Marvel icon made famous by a Netflix show. With the enormous amount of positive buzz from the first episode that was screened for audiences at NYCC over the past weekend, it’s clear the Netflix/Marvel machine is running smoothly. Enjoy the first look at season 2 of Daredevil.
The second season of Daredevil is expected to be released in late spring 2016 on Netflix.
What did you think of the new footage of the second season of Daredevil? Let us know on the comment boards, , , and !
Source: Screen Rant, Marvel