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WATCH: The Godfathers of the Duck Face Return in the Full Trailer for ZOOLANDER 2

Almost fifteen years ago, Ben Stiller wrote, directed, and starred in his comedic vanity project, Zoolander. It followed the international adventures of the dim-witted male supermodel, Derek Zoolander. The movie wasn’t a huge hit when it was first released, however over the years it has gained cult-classic status with several memorable scenarios and catchphrases that are still present in pop culture. Just when you thought the window had passed for a follow-up to the comedy, Stiller, Owen Wilson, and Will Ferrell, return in a trailer with all the lunacy that you would expect.


Although it seems that many of the jokes and scenarios from the first film may be revisited. It could be an even better time than ever for a Zoolander film. The first movie was released in 2001 and underneath all of the ridiculousness served more as a commentary on the modeling and fashion business. Zoolander 2 will be released in 2016, a time when every person is a model and brand of their own, thanks to cell phones and social media, like and . Judging by the poster and selfie stick, it seems that they will be addressing these issues head on. Kinda weird how the world has trended closer to Derek Zoolander over the years, huh?


Stiller has added some key talent to the sequel, including an almost unrecognizable Kristen Wiig and Penelope Cruz playing a secret agent and “straight man” to Stiller and Wilson’s buffoonery. They both look like solid additions to the mix. Judging by the amount of cameos revealed in the trailer, we should expect a lot of surprise appearances, much like the first one. Enjoy the idiocy! 

Zoolander 2 opens on February 12th, 2016.


What do you think of the return of Zoolander? Let us know on , , and Reddit!

Source: Cinema Blend

Braxter Timberlake


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