With a move that surprises no one paying attention to Star Wars news, yet still comes as a pretty painful moment, the brains and hearts behind Star Wars told the world via StarWars.com that the Expanded Universe no longer tells the official story. The moment Disney announced the production of a Star Wars sequel trilogy, […]
Box Office Report – ‘The Other Woman’ Scares Off ‘Captain America: TWS’
Well, all good things come to an end. The long time nemesis, and logical counter-programming option, the romantic genre, took the mighty superhero genre off the top of the charts. The Other Woman took control of the #1 spot at the box office with over $24 million. Captain America: The Winter Solider slid to […]
Khoa Ho’s Incredible Superhero Silhouettes
These powerful silhouettes from Khoa Ho depict the world’s most popular superheroes hyper-dramatically. The poster titles all sound like Tarot cards (“The Orphan,” “The Genius,” etc.) which amplifies the iconography of these super people. I think the Spider-Man title could have gone a bit better, but take a look and decide for yourselves. Tell us […]
Kevin Feige Talks About Ant-Man, Tony Stark and Ultron
One of the first Marvel Studios films to go into pre-production, even before the release of Iron Man, was Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man. Wright tinkered with his script for up to six years before it was ready to shoot. Since that time, we have gotten a bevy of cool casting announcements that have totally overshadowed the fact […]
Cyborg Has Been Cast in ‘Batman vs Superman’ Movie
Well fans… the world-building is going full speed ahead in Zack Snyder’s upcoming sequel to the Man of Steel. We already knew that we would be getting Batman and Wonder Woman, played by Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot respectively, in supporting roles. The rabbit hole is getting even deeper folks. Today Variety announced (via CBM) that […]
‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Set Photo Speculation; RDJ, Hulk Photos, too
Filming began on Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron earlier this month, and, as is now something of a tradition for highly anticipated movies, a slew of unofficial photos from the set have been trickling onto the internet. Photos of this nature can sometimes reveal more about a film’s plot than I care to know pre-release, so I can’t […]
Netflix Streaming to Increase Subscription Rate
In a move unsurprising to capitalists everywhere, Netflix recently announced via letter by CEO Reed Hastings and CFO David Wells, that they would be raising the subscription rate for their streaming services. The letter (via IGN) states: Our current view is to do a one or two dollar increase, depending on the country, later […]
Box Office Report – Captain America Can’t Be Beat
In an age where movies are only big until the next weekend comes around, Captain America: The Winter Solider has found a way to dominate the month of April. In what was seen as a somewhat risky move, Marvel Studios released their movie in April, a month earlier than blockbuster films are typically shown. It […]
Check out these Batman Short Films Celebrating His 75th Anniversary
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman, Warner Bros. recently released two short films. They brought back legendary creator of Batman: The Animated Series, Bruce Timm, to guide the short film Batman: Strange Days. It is a retro tale about an encounter between the Dark Knight and his long time nemesis, Hugo Strange. […]
Get a Behind-the-Scenes Look at ‘Maleficent’
There is a demand from the public to have their classic fables and stories reinvented. From films such as Snow White and the Huntsman, to Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, to television programs like Grimm and Once Upon A Time, it is clear there is a desire to see classic tales told in a […]
‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Episode 19 Poster!
With the past two episodes of AoS proving that the show has finally (FINALLY) found its voice amidst the grumble of disgruntled fans, episode nineteen promises to be a continuation of form. April 22nd’s episode is titled”The Only Light in the Darkness” and features the long-awaited appearance of Coulson’s love interest referenced no fewer than […]
‘Man of Steel’ Director Shares How He Plans to Tackle ‘Batman vs Superman’ Movie
Since DC announced that the tentatively titled Batman vs Superman (BvS) would be delayed a year, details on the project have been very thin. Man of Steel Director Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) recently opened up on how the project came about, his approach, and how themes and mythology are interwoven in modern superheroes. In […]