For the past year, with the exception of the Jesse Eisenberg casting as Lex Luthor, almost all the attention for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been on the heroes and anti-heroes. Little attention has been paid to the antagonists of Superman and Batman, since they surely can’t just be punching each other the entire movie. Latino Review has found the answers to some of those questions. While the monstrous villain who will take on these heroes still hasn’t been disclosed, the secondary villains have been uncovered. They will be Victor Zsasz, Morgan Edge, David Cain and Amanda Waller.
Amanda Waller
Victor Zsasz
Victor Zsasz in Nolan’s ‘Batman Begins’
Latino Review explains that Amanda Waller will be a senator in opposition to Superman. The inclusion of Waller could go many different directions in future films and it’s fun to speculate. However one thing that has been consistent about her in most incarnations, is that she is a bureaucratic thorn in the Justice League’s side. She also is often associated with S.T.A.R. labs (where Cyborg is assembled) as well. Ultimately in comic book lore, she goes on to lead the Suicide Squad. A team-up of villainous characters who go on questionable black-op missions. It would make sense if they utilized her leadership traits in the upcoming film.
The inclusion of Zsasz is of note because he is the first villain to get a update from the Nolan series to the Zack Snyder universe. Owl-eyed fans may remember him as one of the drugged and crazed criminals running the Narrows in Batman Begins. Zsasz trademark is to leave a knife cut in his skin for each person he murders. (I told you this was family entertainment!)
David Cain
Morgan Edge
In the comics David Cain is a former member of the League of Assassins, Latino Review reports that he will likely team with Lex Luthor’s bodyguard, in an assassination attempt. While Morgan Edge will indeed be a TV personality, who challenges Lois Lane played again by Amy Adams.
It hasn’t been uncovered how large these roles will actually be in the film. However, with the size of the cast as is, it would be fair to speculate that these roles will be minor.
Meanwhile Devin Faraci at BadAss Digest has confirmed that within the same script, there are are an overload of DC heroes and easter-eggs as well. Faraci had this to say:
I trust El Mayimbe’s network and the other information he has beyond this script, but something about the actual script itself – whether it be the errors or the cascading fan-service (Kord Industries, Jason Todd, a Shuster Street in Metropolis, Kyle Rayner, Carrie Kelley, Thanagar, mentioning Hob’s Bay, the President is named Diane Nelson, who just happens to be the president of DC Entertainment) or the fact that tonally it is nothing like Man of Steel (Themyscira has an embassy in Metropolis!) forces me to remain humbly skeptical. If this is the script then Warner Bros has learned some lessons from their last couple of movies, although I worry the sheer weight of fan service in this script could crush the film.
It is not unheard of for a studio to leak misinformation. However all signs are pointing to Warner Bros. opening their universe wide open and leaving their upcoming slate of DC themed films to fill in the blanks. Wonder Woman, Green Lantern & The Flash and the Justice League are just some of the properties being ushered to the big screen soon after the release of Dawn of Justice. It seems that all chips are in and it will either be an example of revolutionary universe-building, or a spectacular disaster. It should be entertaining to watch nevertheless.
Source: Latino Review, BadAssDigest