“Relics of the Old Republic” picks up right where “The Lost Commanders” left off: where the fun begins.
Thanks to Wolf’s treachery, the Empire comes knocking on the clones’ door in search of lost Jedi. And when the Empire knocks, it knocks with three AT-ATs and a slew of TIE fighters. Little does the Agent Kallus realize that every vicious assault he unleashes on the Rebels only sharpens them into more capable warriors. That’s one of the things I find so appealing about this show: its relentless optimism.
The Clone Wars existed under the shroud of a coming storm in the rise of the empire and the Dark Times, so every victory Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and the clones achieved felt moot. But Rebels has the opposite force buoying it. Freedom is coming to the galaxy in the form of Luke Skywalker and his band of Rebels. Every loss feels only temporary, every victory builds joyful momentum.
Kanan, after some convincing from Ezra and the rest of the Rebels, www.bestventolininhalers.com stands to fight with the clones, much to Rex’s excitement. Afterall, he explains, he’s never been more himself than working under the leadership of a Jedi.
With an blood-pumping win, some emotional development for Kanan, and an almost teary reunion between two old friends, “Relics of the Old Republic” is a return to form after last week’s let down. Not only is the action thrilling AND consequential to the story at large (last week’s sand worm chase was… not those things), we also come to see Kanan’s path to forgiving the clones, even if it won’t happen immediately. It says something about the optimism of Rebels by ending not on the revelation of a new, terrifying Inquisitor, but on the heart-felt reunion between Rex and Ahsoka; reminding us that no matter how difficult the battle, how endless, it’s bearable when you have your family on your side.

9/10 PoGs
Check out this week’s Rebels Recon!