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Epic Comicast Podcast – Ep 84 – RETURN OF THE SITH Breakdown, Doctor Strange Reveal, and Deadpool Trailer

The Force has truly awakened for movie fans as the Star Wars universe is back on the big screen and bigger than ever. A whole new generation has been introduced to the mythology and interest for all things Star Wars related, whether its TV shows, comics, or video games, is in high demand. This is a transitioning point as 2015 was […]

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Braxter Timberlake

DEADPOOL Trailer Breakdown: Director Tim Miller Explains Everything in the New DEADPOOL Trailer

Now that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has hit theaters and become a historic box-office success, the next movie destined to become a blockbuster is Fox’s Deadpool. The R-rated comic book adaptation is expected to expand the boundaries of what is acceptable in a superhero movie. In February, the world will get their first introduction to the Merc with a […]

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Braxter Timberlake

WATCH: The New Trailer for DEADPOOL Brings NSFW Holiday Joy

For the past eleven days, Twentieth Century Fox has been treating fans to the “12 Days of Deadpool.” A daily onslaught of viral marketing coming straight from Deadpool himself. Of course it all culminates on Christmas day, when they debut the new trailer for Deadpool and what a gift it is for fans of the Merc with […]

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Braxter Timberlake

WATCH: A Public Service Announcement from DEADPOOL and a Brand New Poster

Marvel’s Deadpool has the rare ability to break the fourth wall and speak directly to his audience. It’s the perfect fit with viral campaigns, which go outside the normal publicity channels to market movies. By February’s release of Deadpool, Fox’s marketing campaign may go down as one of the most creative and effective in recent movie history.  Whether Deadpool, […]

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Braxter Timberlake

WATCH: Deadpool Spends a Hilariously Inappropriate Halloween with the X-Men Babies

Fox Studios will be releasing their R-rated adaptation of Marvel Comics’ Deadpool in February and regardless how large of a hit is, other studios are taking note of the film’s inventive marketing. It began with director Tim Miller’s leaked proof-of-concept video that highlighted his and actor Ryan Reynolds’ vision for the project. The short was an immense […]

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Braxter Timberlake

Clips That Make Us Smile – BAT BLOOD Parody, Tim Miller Explains DEADPOOL, Everything Wrong With AGE OF ULTRON

Welcome back to the Fun Zone, better known as the PoG’s Clips That Make Us Smile! This is where we bring you some of our favorite videos from all over the internet, made by hilarious and talented creators who specialize in making awesomeness. This week we have a video commemorating the arrival of Marty McFly […]

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Braxter Timberlake

CLIPS THAT MAKE US SMILE – 50 Mission Impossible Facts, Stan Lee vs Jim Henson on the Mic, Honest Trailers, Joker, Harley, Deadpool Dance Off

Welcome back to another edition of Clips That Make Us Smile. The month of August hasn’t given us many reason to smile due to the disastrous Fantastic Four. However, we have found a bunch of ways to turn that frown upside-down! From Mission Impossible to Deadpool showing off his dance moves, we have some of the funniest clips […]

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Braxter Timberlake

Clips That Makes Us Smile – Joker & Harley Vs Deadpool & Domino, Falcon in ANT-MAN, Everything Wrong With Kingsman

Welcome back for another edition of Clips That Make Us Smile! Hopefully you are enjoying the holiday weekend and now it’s time to kick your feet up and geek out! We have some videos this week that are sure to make you slap your forehead in astonishment. Are you ready? Well let’s go!     […]

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Braxter Timberlake