The Flash is taking its time to fully unravel the mystery of the Reverse Flash. In last night’s episode, “Who Is Harrison Wells?” many questions were answered, as the race to uncover Harrison Wells’ identity comes to a conclusion. This was an episode that was full of discovery for the supporting characters, as they uncover the truth that the audience has been privy to for weeks. Here are some of the more notable things from the episode.
Snow’s Cold Shoulder
Caitlin refuses to give into Barry’s suspicions over Harrison Wells. She stands in for the audience trying to reconcile how it is possible that the person that had done so much for her, Cisco, and Barry, would be capable of what he was is accused of. She never receives her answer, but by the end of the episode she sees Wells’ original corpse and that should be all the proof that she should need. However, they did make sure to add enough skepticism and coldness to see that it could have gone the other way with her. It has been reinforced throughout the season that she has a lot of repressed pain and at some point in the series, it will manifest itself.
The meta-human of the week is known as Everyman. He has the ability to morph into anyone he touches, which is a challenge that can’t be necessarily handled with speed. More importantly, it is clear that this meta-human is a part of Thawne’s endgame. The entire season we have been teased that Wells is looking to siphon the speedforce energy from Barry, which is true. However, he also has to make sure that the pieces fall in place in the timeline, so the technology he needs is created in the future. Judging by how Thawne stole the real Wells’ identity, Everyman’s shape shifting ability will be needed for the future creation of the tech. It seems that eventually Thawne will reveal the true reason for their own super prison.
The Hideout
It is unclear why Barry was able to access Thawne’s secret hideout. It seemed to be a hand scan of some sort and it clearly read Barry’s hand and allowed entry. Is this actually his own technology in the future? More importantly was what the S.T.A.R.S. Lab team found inside. They uncovered Thawne’s origin in the future along with the actual Reverse Flash suit. And most shocking to Barry was the newspaper article from 2024 proclaiming his disappearance.
Seeing the exact date of your death has to be mind-boggling and it could cause Barry to make decisions that are against his instincts, in order to avoid his fate. Many think that the season finale will involve Thawne and Barry fighting for his mother’s life, however he may be fighting for life of Dr. Harrison Wells himself. Regardless of his true identity, actor Tom Cavanagh has been one of the highlights of the show and fans have grown attached. Over the course of the next four episodes, it is likely that they will discover a way to separate the two. Either in the present or by Barry making sure that Wells is never killed in the past. However it happens, expect to see Cavanagh on team Flash again next season…somehow.
Easter Eggs
We were treated to a few DC Comics’ surprises for those who kept their eyes peeled. The episode began with Barry taking a run to Green Lantern’s town, Coast City, for a few pizzas. It didn’t really hold any larger significance for the episode, but it was yet another example of CW trying to expand their superhero universe.
There was also another crossover with Arrow and it is a really encouraging sign that it is no longer a marketing “event” when characters jump shows. Cisco and Joe West headed to Starling City to investigate Wells’ fateful car crash and receive some much needed assistance from Captain Quentin Lance. Laurel takes the opportunity to get her trademark power, the Canary Cry, from a piece of technology that Cisco designs for her. This gives Black Canary her signature move, without become a meta-human like her comic book counterpart. So expect to see that show up in the coming weeks on Arrow.
This was one of the weaker episodes overall, but it did manage to move around a few pieces so that things will be in place for an explosive run down the stretch. There are only four episodes left in the show’s maiden season, so expect the tension and action to ramp up even further.
6/10 PoG’s