The superhero genre is currently a force to be reckoned with on television. Arrow, Agents of SHIELD, and Supergirl, are just some of the comic book properties that you can find on your TV on a given night. However, there is one show that made a name for itself and made a name for the entire genre, CW’s The Flash.
Recently, this show began its already well-viewed second season. Many are already hailing it as a worthy successor to the first season. It’s currently the highest-rated of all the CW Network’s TV shows, even its counterpart show, Arrow. Fortunately, there are many who reckon that this show is only due to get better – and here are four reasons why.
(Warning: spoilers for CW series The Flash lie below. Be careful. Or ignorant. Or both.)
The Mystery of Zoom
A large cause for controversy in the first couple of episodes has been a case of secret identity. Namely, that of the “big bad” for this season, Zoom. So far, we’ve seen Zoom defeat the Flash of an alternate universe, travel between dimensions, and produce villains for Barry Allen at a nearly unheard of rate. There is no doubt that figuring out who this speedster is, will be a large cause for concern among Flash and his associates. In fact, it already is. This version of Zoom doesn’t exactly exist in the comics, seeing as the printed version of ‘Professor Zoom’ is the same person as last season’s bad guy, the Reverse Flash. So it should be even more fun than last season, unraveling the mystery week to week.

One thing that fans are already seeing unfold on their screens is the awesome Vibe sub-plot, which will no doubt run at least until the mid-season finale. Our friendly neighborhood Cisco Ramon is destined to become an immensely powerful meta-human, with the ability to send shock waves of force through the air. Cool stuff, huh?
Not only that, but it looks like we’ll get a Vibe with even more powers than the comic book version, as Mr. Ramon is already showing superhuman abilities, by being able to look into the other dimensions and timelines. Either way, it’s sure to be an interesting and detailed sub-story which will definitely add to The Flash’s already great ratings and fun…vibe.
A “Well-Behaved” Harrison Wells
It’s no question that one of the best actors on the show is the talented Tom Cavanagh, a.k.a. the previously evil Harrison Wells. In the first season, Wells and his wife were murdered, and his body was stolen by a villain by the name of Eobard Thawne, known commonly as The Reverse Flash.
The good news is, despite his evil incarnation being defeated at the end of season. Cavanagh will be back, as the seemingly good Harrison Wells, from an alternate dimension this time around. Although Barry and Earth-2 Harrison haven’t met yet, it will certainly add another really interesting story line, to an already really interesting show. The show’s writers have admirably figured out how to make the The Flash’s comic book subplots, easy for the common TV viewer to understand
New Villains
As awesome as last season was, it’s no secret that its roster of mini-villains was somewhat underwhelming. We had some that translated their look look from the comics well, but there were others who simply did not do their paper-based counterparts justice.
This time, it seems as though the bulk of the show will be stocked with Earth 2 villains, who may have previously faced former speedster Jay Garrick, and maybe even Harrison Wells. Luckily, these villains aren’t so well-covered in the books, so they have a lot less expectations to live up to. That means no disappointment for loyal comic fans and maybe even a few surprisingly amazing bad guys to keep viewers off-guard. The perfect example was the shocking appearance of King Shark in the last episode. If the creators continue with that level of ambition, there is no telling how good things can get.
So there we have it. Four reasons why season two of The Flash will be an improvement! What do you like most and least about the season two? Let us know on , , , and Reddit! Check out The Superhero Channel for more from contributor Tom Somerfield! Make sure to share our stories on your favorite social media by clicking below.