This past fall television season has been a wild ride for fans of DC Comics. There were three new shows, The Flash, Constantine, and Gotham, all of which have delivered above average writing and production values. Fox has shown its pleasure with the start that Gotham has had by extending its first season by six episodes. Meanwhile Constantine has been well-received by fans, yet the future of the show is uncertain as NBC tries to find a time-slot that makes sense. On the other hand, CW is leading the charge with their hit shows, The Flash and Arrow.
At the Television Critics Association press tour today in Pasadena, Mark Pedowitz the president of CW, officially announced that The Flash and Arrow, would each be getting their next season renewed in the fall. This is a huge show of public support of their two iconic shows. Here is what he had to say.
“Each of these series have helped define what The CW is today, a network that is home to smart, provocative, quality programming, targeting a savvy adult audience, By picking up these shows now, our executive producers can start planning next season’s storylines, and rolling these shows out throughout next season guarantees The CW will have more proven original series for our fall, midseason and summer 2016 line-ups.”
It honestly isn’t much of a surprise that CW is renewing both of their successful shows. Arrow was a trailblazer when it debuted, at a time when the network was only known for the sophmoric Smallville. The Flash took things to the next level and proved that CW could handle big budget special effects and storytelling, on a broader canvas. The network, which has always been the little brother, is now getting major networks like Fox, NBC, and CBS trying to replicate the CW’s success.
This is positive news for fans of these shows. As Pedowitz mentioned, the announcement has extended the pre-production and development window, which should lead to more cohesive scripts and more time can be spent on pre-viz and visual effects work. It’s just a hunch, but this could be great news for fans of Gorilla Grodd…
Earlier in the day at the TCA, there were exhibits showing off the costumes of The Flash and Arrow. The most notable costumes were those of Heatwave and Firestorm, since those have not yet been seen on-air. Despite The Flash being a show that embraces the fantastical nature of its source material, it seems that they have definitely toned down the flare of those two characters. Heatwave’s suit looks like what you would expect from someone trying to not get burned. While Firestorm’s suit has been extremely toned down from its comic book design. However it should be noted that they have kept the iconic Firestorm symbol in place.

Arrow’s Ras Al Ghul

The Flash’s Heatwave costume

The Flash’s Captain Cold costume

Arrow’s Black Canary costume
This look at Arrow’s costume really shows how the design is moving closer to its comic book incarnation. We also know that The Flash’s costume will experience a similar evolution. Reverse Flash’s suit is much more streamlined which presumably helps him move faster. Expect some alterations to be made to The Flash’s gear by the season finale, as he looks for ways to get even faster.

The Flash’s Reverse Flash costume

The Arrow costume
It’s great news that there will definitely be a future for Arrow and The Flash. It’s now time to turn our attention back to the present as both shows will be returning in over a week’s time. Make sure to check back for the latest coverage and reviews! The Flash returns on Tuesday January 20th, 2015. Arrow returns on Wednesday January 21st, 2015.
Are you excited for the future of these two shows? What do you think is in store next season? Let us know on the comment boards and make sure to share our stories on Reddit, , , and !
Source: IGN