The Flash is coming back to the small screen in just a few short weeks. However DC Entertainment has been positioning Barry Allen for stardom for at least the past few years. In 2011, Geoff Johns wrote the comic book series that reset the entire DC Comics continuity, The Flashpoint Paradox. The series allowed for new interpretations of all of their characters, which would be more easily adaptable for live-action, whether on the big or small screen. This was the moment the modern DC Universe was reborn and the contemporary retelling is known as the New 52.
In 2013 DC released The Flashpoint Paradox, in which the Flash is involved in a time-altering adventure where he finds himself in an alternate timeline. This new timeline features all the members of the Justice League in very unfamiliar roles. Allen is tasked with correcting whatever culprit is behind the change, with the help of very different Batman.
It’s fun to think that the TV show could possibly lead to an event such as this. Zoom is clearly behind his mother’s murder in the show, so this film and podcast will give you valuable hints about where The Flash on TV could be heading.

Clearly this is Zoom at the crime scene…
CW is laying the groundwork to eventually do their own interpretation of The Flashpoint Paradox, if the show runs long enough. That is Zoom murdering his mother (in the picture above) and check out the date of when Flash “vanishes in crisis.” There will eventually be time-travel and alternate timelines which could be nothing less than epic on the small screen.
This week the Epic Comicast team breaks down the surprisingly mature 2013 film, but first they recap the biggest stories from around Hollywood that are sending ripples through the Marvel and DC universes on film and TV. Join the Epic brother and sister team as they joke, provide analysis and hilariously bicker their way through the week of geekdom!
Check out the official synopsis:
Welcome everyone to episode 25 of Epic Comicast! This week Karina Michelle and I (TC) discuss the critically acclaimed DC Animated Movie Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox. We comment on the recent photos of the newly leaked Batfleck-mobile, Deadpool movie updates, and a potential Suicide Squad film! Join us on this jam packed episode!
Listen to the podcast HERE or go visit Epic Comicast!

What did the 5 fingers say to the face? (Click Me)
Enjoy the podcast! Let us know what you think of The Flashpoint Paradox! Give us a shout on the comment boards, and !