Welcome back for another edition of the Epic Comicast podcast! There were some interesting developments in the world of comic book movie news and you have arrived at the right spot to walk you through some of the most interesting moments!
This week the Epic Comicast team breaks down the monumental Marvel comic book story line, the Infinity Gauntlet saga. Marvel Comics six-part series is one of the biggest events in comic history and is the basis for the trajectory of the entire Marvel cinematic universe. The ultimate villain of MCU is Thanos and we have only gotten glimpses of the character in The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, but many are unaware of his true potential. The ECC crew breaks down the historic story and speculate what parts of the plot and scenes may make it onto the big screen in Avengers: Infinity War. So sit back and relax as the Epic Comicast takes you on an hour ride through the world of geek comics, movies, and more.
Official Synopsis:
*SNAPS* Half of you just disappeared! Welcome everyone to Episode 57 of the Epic Comicast! This week Karina and I (TC) update you on everything that’s going on with Epic Comicast including a store to purchase ECC shirts! We touch on the recent rumors of Chris Pine being linked with Steve Trevor and just how much we love Pine for Hal Jordan. He’s the hero Chris Pine deserves… but looking more and more like the one we’re not getting right now. We take an in depth look at Marvel’s six issue Infinity Gauntlet and break it down Epic Comicast style! Hope you enjoy! You can visit us over at www.epiccomicast.com!
New TeePublic Epic Comicast Store!iTunes Reviews/DonationsTC’s Tweets (Chris Pine Rumors)Marvel: The Infinity GauntletWhat Scenes Might Work In The MCU?