What does Magic: The Gathering have in common with Game of Thrones? Swords? Yes. Sweet costumes? Yeah. Dragons? Okay, fine, the two properties have quite a bit in common already, but according to Deadline, they’ll tack another item onto the list: a writer.

Squee! Probably won’t be in the movie…but he IS hard to get rid of.
Bryan Cogman, a producer, story editor, and writer for HBO’s ridiculously popular Game of Thrones has been called to pen the screenplay for the eventual Magic: The Gathering screenplay. It’s certainly good news for Fox, who acquired the film rights to MTG back in January of this year, since attaching pretty much anyone from GOT will assure some prestige and fan the excitement flames as well. I was personally hoping Wizards of the Coast would have a more intimate hand in the development of this planeswalking adventure, as the trading-card-game’s in-house writers already author amazing full-length novels about Magic‘s main characters. In case you’re wondering, a trading card game has main characters because each new batch of cards unleashed upon the world reference an ongoing story within the game that plays out in the artwork, in the “flavor” text, and in the pages of these Magic novels.
Since the film has only just found a writer, I doubt we’ll hear plot-related news any time soon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate wildly! Most likely, the film will center around already established characters from the game’s Multiverse, including the popular planeswalker characters around whom most of the plot revolves.
But the real question here is which of the pantheon of Planeswalkers will make an appearance on the silver screen. And can Fox offer big enough paychecks to attract big-name talent to bring these wizards to life? If Ajani’s in this thing (Ajani’s the giant lion dude on the far right), I hope Idris Elba does the voice work.
As a Magic junky, you can count on me watching developments on this movie like a Squadron Hawk!
Who do you think’ll play Jace?