Just in time for Halloween, Star Wars Rebels drops a spooky “haunted house” episode on your doorstep. But what pops out from these dark corners are more terrifying than poltergeists: they’re a pair of deadly Inquisitors.
This week, the Rebels, with Rex onboard, assign themselves a mission to retrieve supplies from a long-abandoned medical station. Things don’t quite go as planned. Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper board the station in the dark, and pick through dreary hallways of wrecked storage containers and find some unwelcome visitors.
Like The Clone Wars before it, Star Wars Rebels enjoys playing with genres other than Science Fiction/Fantasy occasionally. This week’s genre? Horror. The music is subdued, silence builds tension as our heroes bumble around in the darkness sure to come upon—at any moment—something terrifying that the audience knows for a fact awaits them. And it works! Tension is a common feeling for Star Wars Rebels (These people barely escape with their lives pretty much every episode) but the horror flair offered a nice change of pace and doubled as a perfect setting to introduce our two newest baddies: The Seventh Sister and The Fifth Brother.
Both are members of a secret order of Jedi hunters—a fact which Seventh Sister reveals with relish—each with command over the dark side and double-bladed lightsabers in the same style as last season’s Grand Inquisitor. The Grand Inquisitor may have been the best of them, but these two together seem to be more than capable of putting a little fear into the hearts of Jedi.
The appearance of this order of dark siders raises some terribly exciting questions: how many more Jedi hunters are there? (Their names imply there are at least twelve?) Who trained them: Vader or Sidious… or someone else? Is Kylo Ren an inquisitor, too? I’m on the edge of my seat here, people.
The rest of the episode is chock full of great call backs from previous episodes and awesome moments that shine a little more light on this plucky band. Kanan and Rex arguing which of them is more disciplined while Ezra sneaks away. Zeb to the rescue. Hera, the perpetual parent, feeling more pressure than ever in the face of two new dark enemies.
Season 2 has been amazing so far, so if you aren’t already a full-on Rebel, now’s the time to pull the trigger.

8/10 PoGs
Take a peek behind the scenes in Rebels Recon!