The spotlight shifts to Sabine this week as the wider Rebels plot grinds to a halt. Sabine is one of the Rebels whose history I’m most curious about. She’s Mandalorian—she wears the traditional armor, after all—but that’s the only hint we have about her past. And it’s not much of hint. “Blood Sisters” gives Sabine fans only more hints and veiled references to Sabine’s bounty hunting past with not enough hefty details to satisfy.
On a mission to retrieve intelligence from the galaxy’s worst courier, a gonk—ehem!—POWER droid, Sabine and Ezra are met by a lithe, chilly bounty hunter who has a history with Sabine. Ezra is shocked to discover that Sabine was a bounty hunter before she joined the Rebellion, unlike literally everyone else in the universe. Why not give the Rebels’ only Mandalorian member a more unexpected former occupation? We see her helmet and think “bounty hunter” anyway. Why not turn the viewer’s expectations on them? Kind of a missed opportunity to excite Sabine fans.
Ketsu, voiced pretty much perfectly by Gina Torres of Firefly fame, is calculating and quick with her fists and blasters alike. Sabine and Ketsu banter back and forth upon meeting, hinting at a vague shared history of hunting bounties, of a more dangerous, morally-gray life than Sabine now leads, but it’s deeply unsatisfying. The name of the episode is “Blood Sisters.” Any viewer paying attention might conclude that these two are the sisters in question, but we’re strung along for most of the episode by vague hints at their relationship. Come out and say it so our heroes can get down to business already, Ketsu. No need to be coy.
Despite the frustratingly slow reveal that Ketsu and Sabine were once close, Ketsu seems like she’d be a great addition to the team. At first she followed the stereotypical line that side-characters from a main-character’s dark past play (Paraphrasing: “Come back to the dark side, friend. I could use your skills to line my pockets, etc. etc.”) but she turned rather quickly away from purely financial motivations and toward the greater cause of rebuilding her friendship with Sabine. I’m genuinely interested in Sabine and Ketsu’s friendship, but the episode could have showcased their reintroduction much more poignantly.
It turns out that focusing on Sabine, one of the more mysterious Rebels, does not a super great episode make. Or, at least, this one is handicapped by the dream of what a Sabine-centric episode could have been. We’re left then with more questions than we went into the episode with. Bonus points for the wonderful Gina Torres, though!

6/10 PoG’s
Go behind the scenes with this week’s Rebels Recon.