Disney granted Star Wars Rebels a full twenty-three episodes this season, and with that order comes inevitable filler. Not to be too cynical, but with twenty-three time slots to fill this season, not every episode can push the plot onward. “Wings of the Master”, like “Brothers of the Broken Horn” before it, are perfect examples of filler.
I’ve said it before, I’m a huge fan of the pure hope pouring out of Star Wars Rebels. But it’s important that the audience is reminded of the sheer power of the Empire every once in a while to keep us on our toes. In other words, the Rebels have to lose sometimes. Without risk of defeat, there’d be no tension, no risk in taking on the Empire—and where’s the fun in that?
Long story short, Agent Kallus blasts a frigate of Rebel supplies to space dust on Hera’s watch. But instead of engaging with the loss of Phoenix leader, a Corvette cruiser full of Rebels, and perfectly good supplies, Hera goes to meet a contact of Rex’s to secure a new ship that can supposedly bust through blockades. It’s more than a little strange that when Rex brings the dangerous mission to the Rebels’ attention, Kanan volunteers Hera for the job. Most of the time, he’s doing everything he can to keep his people OUT of danger, and here he shoves her straight into it? A bit strange for Kanan.
Hera, Zeb, and Sabine meet up with Rex’s contact on a dastardly planet that pilot’s across the galaxy shiver to think of. The danger of the planet’s raucous atmosphere is worth it though for the treasure a Mon Calamari has cooked up: the Blade wing, a.k.a. the B-Wing of Return of the Jedi fame!
The spotlight’s on Hera as she waxes poetical about her “need to fly”, to prove herself worthy of piloting the B-Wing. The exposition here—that Hera was on Ryloth during the Clone Wars—is interesting though, like most exposition, a little stilted and melodramatic. Still, seeing Hera rock that B-Wing is awesome.
The episode ends with a Rebel victory. With Hera in the badass B-Wing covering the Ghost as it evades Imperial force and successfully delivers supplies to the planet full of innocents below. But I’m left wondering something. How has Agent Kallus, after so many incredible failures, not incurred Vader’s wrath? Surely, the guy’s due for a Force-choking, right?
The episode isn’t bad, really. It’s nice to focus the spotlight on the heart of the Rebels team. But we didn’t learn anything new about anyone. None of our characters was faced with a challenge that changed him or her, so I label this episode filler.

6/10 PoG’s
Go inside “Wings of the Master” with this week’s Rebels Recon.