Captain America: Civil War is slowly approaching and directors Joe and Anthony Russo have not stopped talking about it. They’ve been offering a considerable amount of info on characters and plot details lately, but it’s certainly nothing to complain about for hardcore geeks.

In their most recent interview with Collider, the two brothers dish on the tone of the story, offer up more Spider-Man details and discuss the post-production editing process they’re currently in.
“Of course, Winter Soldier was a political thriller. We think of Civil War as a psychological thriller. It’s a complicated movie. And yes, it divides these people that you’ve known to not only be a team, but Cap and Natasha, in this movie, they’re evolving into a surrogate family for each other. So, it’s a closer group of people that’s being divided. That’s a difficult thing to do.”
One very interesting bit of info derived from the interview is the fact that Civil War is being described as a “psychological thriller”, while the previous film, The Winter Soldier, was a political thriller. This is really intriguing as it suggests elements that we really haven’t seen in the most recent trailer. We’ve accepted the “team vs. team” structure this movie seems to have, with Steve Rogers holding onto one ideology while Tony Stark combats with a conflicting viewpoint. But calling it a “psychological thriller” means we’ll probably be dealing with a lot of turmoil with the characters as they choose sides and fight the ones they used to consider friends.
As heavy as that may all sound, Joe and Anthony do mention that Civil War will include more humor than The Winter Soldier did. That shouldn’t be surprising, as we’ll get to see characters like Ant-Man and Spider-Man – who certainly have more of a comedic bent to their DNA.
“They’re not tied to the central arc of the movie with the same motivation as the other characters, so they can be lighter. I think there are a lot lighter moments because there are much darker moments as well. We did have to work very hard at that.”

Super Power Beat Down
Speaking of Spider-Man, the directors talked about how they got permission to include the web slinger in the script. According to them, it was a “very long process,” one that had them fighting for the opportunity to use the character for several months. Spidey was so deeply ingrained into the story at this point, that if they were told that they couldn’t use him, they would have had some serious re-writing challenges ahead of them.
“By the time we found out that he’d be in the movie, it wasn’t so much elation than like ‘Thank God! We don’t have to blow the whole movie up.’”
Peter Parker, played by Tom Holland, being in high school and a young teenager, was very important for the filmmakers involved. Those aspects of his character are some of the biggest reasons why he resonates with so many kids, teens and adults. This definitely makes him stand out among all of the other characters and that combination should be very entertaining to watch. And Spidey even helps them balance the tone of the film.

The Russo brothers explain that they are getting closer and closer to wrapping up the editing process, but they’re still in the middle of it. However, they claim that this has actually been the easiest post-production process they’ve ever been involved with – which is very good to hear. Soon they’ll be done editing and working on visual effects, and the film’s composer Henry Jackman is close to finishing the music.

Recently, they claimed that there would be a total of 67 characters in the Infinity War films, and they offer details on that gargantuan project that we’ve been building to for several years.
“We were being figurative when we said [67 characters] and people took it as literal but there’s a lot of characters. Infinity War is meant to be the culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe up to that point. It’s very ambitious in its scope, it wants to take everything that you’ve seen before and coalesce into some kinda of climactic ending. It’s complicated , ambitious storytelling…We’re not talking about lead characters, just people that make an appearance. We start shooting both of them later this year in November and we’re primarily going to be based in Atlanta again. We’re shooting them concurrently.”
That’s quite a lot to take in! There is plenty of time to hash out the roster of Infinity War, but for now let’s appreciate the movie that is right ahead of us.

Captain America: Civil War opens on MAY 6th, 2016.
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