There are only a few more episodes left in the first season of The Flash and showrunners Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti are not holding anything back. Multiple season-long plot lines are coming to a head and much like the lead character, no matter how fast they throw things at the viewers, they are always able to keep them up to speed. So here are the most notable developments in this week’s episode of The Flash, “Grodd Lives.”
For the first time this season Barry didn’t handle the voice-over duties to begin the episode. Iris narrating the episode signals a shift in the dynamics of the show. Iris figured out Barry’s secret and it wasn’t long before she caught him in S.T.A.R. Labs without his mask. She quickly finds herself working with Cisco and Caitlin, although the team up is certainly a strained relationship. Iris feels betrayed by Joe, the S.T.A.R.S. Lab crew, and by Barry, and she lets them all know her displeasure individually. She does get a reality check from Barry on her own secretive nature and hidden feelings for him however.
Candice Patton gets the chance to do some heavy lifting in this episode. She has largely been on the sideline all season long and now her subplot finally came to a head. Almost all of the main cast, aside from possibly Cisco, has had the opportunity to show some dignified anger on the show at some point or another. While being justified for her feelings of betrayal, Iris’ bitterness does seem to drag on and made her seem a little self-centered. With so many dramatic events happening at once, her own problem was clearly not the priority. Hopefully she quickly gets over it in future episodes. because they did come close to making her character unlikable. It is a difficult balancing act because the writers have the challenge of making her and Barry a couple in the near future, which will send ripples throughout the show.
The psychological prodding of Eobard on his ancestor Eddie, was one of the more intriguing parts of “Grodd Lives.” As seeds are being laid for a schism between the West-Allen’s and the Thawnes. Tom Cavanagh continues to own the screen, as the true face of Eobard continues to be revealed. The majority of the season has been Wells trying to put Barry in the right positions to preserve the future. Now it is Eddie’s turn to get unknowingly pushed into the direction of his destiny.
Eobard is putting in motion the family feud that will last for centuries. The first move was to let him know that Iris and Barry were bound to end up together. The second maneuver was to insult his pride, so that he does something dramatic in the near future. One thing is for certain. Eddie is heading down a dark path.
I Am Grodd
The question looming for most of the season was how would they make a gigantic, telepathic ape believable in both the narrative and visually. For the most part it worked. By keeping Grodd underground and in the shadows, they were able to hide any flaws the budget might not allow. Additionally, the nightmarish quick cuts to Grodd’s experiences being tortured, was rather effective at showing why it would paralyze his targets. The visual effect all together is impressive, however it seems unlikely that we will see Grodd in the light of day.
They couldn’t have picked a better actor from the cast to face off with Grodd than Jesse L. Martin. His absolute terror when Grodd intimidates him is palpable and almost took the whimsical show into horror territory, simply from his performance. While Grodd is acting on behalf of his “father,” it will be interesting to see what type of character he develops into once Wells is defeated and Grodd is free to explore his own agenda.
Change is Coming
The growing number of people that know Barry Allen’s identity grows every episode. This episode both Iris and General Eiling revealed that they had figured out his secret on their own. However, this is an indication that the world of The Flash that we have been introduced to, is on the verge of expanding exponentially and his new support group is being established.
The future of S.T.A.R. Labs is uncertain. There has never been much explanation about where the funding is coming from and how things will be affected without Dr. Wells. It is clear that Iris will increasingly become Barry’s steadying force, however there is still room for a voice of authority. Perhaps, they will find a way to separate Wells from Thawne in a similar way that they did for Firestorm. Or perhaps it will simply be a revolving door of guest star specialists, such as Professor Stein or Ray Palmer,.
For all intents and purposes, “Grodd Lives” was a filler episode that not only put the chess pieces in position for an explosive ending, but also did some crucial world-building for season 2. Team Flash will be dynamically altered in the second season opener and this adventure was preparing us for the change. Meanwhile villains can’t get much more fantastical than Grodd and we can expect to see a lot more of his story in later on as well. On paper, it simply should not have worked. However, this was a careful planned and executed episode that had been building all season long. Well done. Two more episodes to go…

7/10 PoG’s