The Flash returned after its brief winter hiatus and in typical fashion series’ producer and writer Geoff Johns doesnt hold back any punches. The tenth episode of the season titled “Revenge of the Rogues,” opens with the standard Barry Allen voiceover, however this time things are different. He acknowledges that he is not the fastest man alive. It is a reminder that while there are fantastic elements in the show, the ramifications of everything that happens has consequences and carries over.
The episode begins with the Flash in the midst of conducting training exercises with the S.T.A.R.S. lab team. When the series had gone to its winter break, Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin, vowed to improve his speed and techniques so that he will be able keep up and defeat the Reverse Flash. In the opening the team is watching Allen battle a flying drone, complete with machine guns and missiles that Cisco has designed. It is a great special effects sequence but the most thrilling moment isn’t an effect at all. It’s when Barry gets in trouble and Dr. Wells puts his foot on the ground, threatening to go run and save him. The dichotomy and uncertainty of Wells’ intentions to protect Allen, while clearly being his greatest enemy is one of the most captivating reasons to watch the show.
Captain Cold, aka Leonard Snart played by Wentworth Miller, makes his return in this episode and it is clear that he is being positioned to be an essential mastermind for the Rogues. He is joined in the episode by fellow Prison Break alum, Dominic Purcell, who plays his dim-witted and impulsive accomplice Heatwave. Johns has chosen to have these two villains embody the demeanor of their namesake. Heatwave reacts to everything with a hot head and doesn’t think his next move through. While Cold is always under control of his emotions and always plotting ahead. The characterization of Heatwave in particular seemed ready for Saturday morning cartoons and the dialogue was straight from the pages of comic books, but not in a good way…
The writers are having fun playing with the Iris, Eddie, and Barry, love triangle without obnoxiously throwing it in the viewer’s face or drawing out the soap opera elements of it. What is interesting is that they are seemingly renewing Eddie’s trust in the Flash, since he clearly saved his entire squadron from being incinerated. But this will only be momentary, since there are clearly many revelations that Eddie will uncover by the end of season. When he learns the double-sided truth about Barry, that he is both the Flash and in love with his girlfriend, this will clearly set him on a villainous route. However, it is fun rolling with the unexpected truce for now.
Another element that will change the show is that the public is now aware that the Flash is real. His battle with the Rogues was broadcast on the news and it seems that the Flash will be gaining almost instant celebrity status. This should affect Allen in many ways and may even carry over to Iris’ blog which will certainly gain traction from the breaking news. This is another way that the Flash will differentiate itself from the vigilante soap opera Arrow. S.T.A.R.S. lab has made an uneasy alliance with the police and the Flash will become the hero of the city. The show wrapped up with Barry moving back in with Joe, which should give them a chance to get sentimental every episode, which has surprisingly become a highlight of the series.
This was a successful return for The Flash. The show proved that the momentum that was created in the first half of the season was not a fluke. In it’s return, loose plot threads were not forgotten, while entirely new challenges are being thrown at Allen. The second half of the season looks to be as fun a ride as the first and next week can’t get here fast enough.

7/10 PoG’s
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